Welcome to Mark lyons composer!

So glad you're here!

Please take a moment to look around and check out my bio, gallery and listen to a few tracks on my "Purchase for Download" page. Just a note, streaming off of this site is free, so you can download the tracks, or simply press the "play" icon to hear the tracks in their entirety. There's also a weekly "Featured Track" and an occasional "Special Release". Everything on this page is almost always available on all the major streaming platforms. 

Just a note about myself, after getting my firsts music degree, in the eighties, I began working in and around Los Angeles as a bassist. After roughly 40 years, and a second music degree, from Musicians Institute in Hollywood, I had a renewed interest in composing, something I dabbled in back in the '80's. After meeting veteran playwright, actor, and musician Reggie Bruce at a Starbucks on Wilshire Blvd, in LA, we began working together converting some of his scripts and screenplays into rock musicals. 

Feel free to look around, at my bio and Gallery, and stay tuned! There's more to come!


"C'mon Maria"

Mark Lyons/Reggie Bruce

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From our musical "The Gleam In Their Eyes". In an upscale restaurant, with a potential new managment contract in play, an aspiring young model, Maria, is being chatted up by a provocateur, and a slick and scheming manager who wants to get her back to his room. She's beautiful, smart, bored, and even willing if she gets what she wants, but really

From our musical "The Gleam In Their Eyes". In an upscale restaurant, with a potential new managment contract in play, an aspiring young model, Maria, is being chatted up by a provocateur, and a slick and scheming manager who wants to get her back to his room. She's beautiful, smart, bored, and even willing if she gets what she wants, but really just wants to find work. As the manager, Paul, laughes loudly at his own jokes, we catch her rolling her eyes. Then she spots a familiar face across the way. It's Boan, also a hunky young aspiring model who's working in this particular restaurant hoping for a break. They have history--they were together for a short time--and she calls his name. He looks up and, when he sees Maria, the excitement starts! The music begins as he walks over and begins a modern dance. The chemestry between the two is obvious. Before long the entire restaurant is singing "C'mon, C'mon, C'mon Maria!" Boan picks her up and carries her out of the restaurant--all gets very quiet--and the unscrupulous manager is left alone wondering what just happened!

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For inquiries regarding the use of any of the materials, photos, scripts or music on this website please inquire at Mark@MarkLyonsComposer.com

For inquiries regarding the use of the scripts for the musicals "Martha Washington Must Die" or 
"The Gleam In Their Eyes" please contact Mark@MarkLyonsComposer.com

For inquiries regarding any scripts or materials owned by Reggie Bruce please address your inquiry to:

Mark Lyons and David Bruce at 

 All music for "The Gleam In Their Eyes" Copyright 2021
Mark Lyons and Reggie Bruce

All other materials and music for "Martha Washington Must Die" Copyright 2022 
Mark Lyons and Reggie Bruce

This website and all materials and links contained herein are protected 
by all applicable international copyright laws